Birth to Three Years Old
- Be a role model- Modelling emotions and positive behaviours.
- Responding to emotions and behaviours to develop trust between the child and adult.
- Asking open-ended questions to help develop problem-solving skills.
- Using social stories to talk about feelings.
- Encouraging children to try new things and learn about how much they can do.
- Playing games that help us to take turns, winning and losing.
- Learning to share and negotiate through games.
- Teaching children to regulate their own emotions and develop resilience.
Nursery 3 - 4 Years Old
- Read books about feelings and ask children how the characters are feeling
- Read books in which basic character virtues are demonstrated.
- Ask children which character virtues the characters are demonstrating.
- Teach children some kind words, e.g. helpful, loving, patient and caring.
- Encourage children to come up with their own examples of when they have been kind.
- Visitors describe their jobs using props to demonstrate.
Reception 4-5 Years Old
- Discuss with children what they might do if they are experiencing strong feelings.
- Supporting children to use kind words, using the Golden Rules.
- Supporting children to model sentences about how we are feeling.
- Ask children to compare characters from books they have read.
- Sorting characters into groups according to who has demonstrated particular character virtues.
- Ask children what kind of jobs they might like to do and why.
- Talk about spending and saving.